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The hidden impact of groupthink and how to prevent it

Have you ever been in a work meeting when a leader proposes a course of action and everyone agrees fairly quickly? In such a situation, some of the more outspoken colleagues may immediately and enthusiastically show support. But maybe some people look unsure or uncomfortable yet hesitant to voice doubts. Perhaps more reserved employees remain quiet entirely.

The main thing is that no one asks follow-up questions, raises thoughtful objections, explores other facets of an issue or plays devil’s advocate. This is an example of groupthink in the workplace.

Groupthink defined

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon in which people make largely unanimous and unquestioning decisions for a variety of reasons:

  • Avoidance of disagreement and conflict
  • The desire to maintain the status quo
  • The pull to conform with others
  • The fear of looking ignorant or wrong
  • Sense of loyalty to one’s manager or colleagues, along with the perceived obligation to avoid making them look bad by contradicting them
  • The pressure to make a decision within a short timeframe or in accordance with the wishes of a higher authority
  • The belief that one’s own input won’t make much of a difference
  • Lack of employee engagement with the decision-making process
  • Insulation from opposing sources of information

The presence of any of these factors can cause critical evaluation, thoughtful discussion or healthy dissent to be overridden in favor of harmony and conformity.

After all, it can seem more convenient and safer to just go with the flow and not rock the boat. However, many times the result can be less-than-optimal or even very poor business decisions.

How groupthink happens

It can occur when an organization’s people lack the strategies and tools to manage conflict effectively, whether that entails policies, procedures, reporting structures or training. When poor conflict management exists, unfortunately, challenging ideas may be misconstrued as challenging people. Those who feel they are being challenged can take personal offense and tempers can flare. Most have a natural tendency to want to avoid these awkward or unpleasant encounters with others at work.

Groupthink can also be a symptom of a negative workplace culture in which people:

  • Don’t feel included
  • Don’t feel comfortable speaking up to disagree with or challenge ideas – especially to a manager
  • Do feel pressured or coerced to think a certain way

In some situations, colleagues may genuinely think the same way about a topic because it’s a more homogeneous workforce – everyone has similar life experiences and perspectives. However, this can lead to blind spots – the overlooking of critical insights that colleagues with different backgrounds could otherwise provide. This is also why diversity in leadership is especially important, considering it’s the level where consequential decisions are made. 

Most often, groupthink is unconscious and unintentional.

The warning signs of groupthink

Since groupthink is usually unconscious and unintentional, it can be hard to figure out whether it’s present in your organization.

Yet, there are common warning signs, and here are some proven ways to spot them:

  1. Observe employees’ behavior:
    • How well do people collaborate?
    • Does anyone disagree when ideas are discussed?
    • Does anyone ask questions or raise valid concerns?
    • Do people seem fearful or under stress?
    • In which scenarios does healthy dissent happen versus not happen?
    • Which types of employees are speaking up the most?
    • Is the reaction to challenges mostly negative or positive?
  1. Listen. If you’ve heard people around you saying, “This has been working well for a long time and we don’t need to change,” that’s a red flag for groupthink. People who adhere to this mindset tend to believe there’s only one way of doing things. If several people say this, it indicates a widespread unwillingness to listen to new ideas and perspectives.
  2. Think strategically. Consider whether your organization is growing at the rate you anticipate, or if it seems stagnant. If the company isn’t expanding satisfactorily, or if revenue is flat or even dropping, that could be a sign that stale ideas are in circulation. Also, consider the flip side of stagnation. If your organization has been doing really well lately and has enjoyed some recent successes, watch out for complacency, which can trigger groupthink.
  3. Get a big-picture perspective. Take a look at your company’s board, managers and general employee population. Does everyone seem to have similar resumes? For example, does everyone tend to have the same:
    • Life experiences
    • Socioeconomic backgrounds
    • Education levels and areas of focus
    • Ingrained opinions
    • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

The consequences

When groupthink exists in a workplace, a number of things can happen:

  • A dearth of creativity and innovation
  • Business mistakes or lost opportunities
  • Slow or stagnating business growth
  • The work environment doesn’t feel inclusive to some people
  • The blame game (When no single employee feels they own a decision, finger-pointing and protests of “It’s not my fault” often occur when things go wrong.)
  • Feelings of discouragement, disconnection and frustration, which causes burnout and lowers morale among employees
  • Impaired relationships between managers, employees and peers

All of these consequences impact each other and have the potential to affect an organization’s productivity and financial bottom line.

Strategies to overcome groupthink – and prevent it in the first place

  1. Employees need to know, without any doubt, that:
    • Their ideas and opinions are valued.
    • They can voice their ideas and opinions without retribution – even if they may be in opposition to someone else’s, particularly a manager’s.
    • The company evaluates information objectively.
    • The company is unafraid of making changes to the status quo in the best interest of the organization.
  1. Broad representation, beginning at the leadership level, is essential for initiating meaningful change. Ensuring decision-making roles reflect a wide range of backgrounds and experiences helps to foster a richer variety of perspectives on important issues.
  2. Equally critical is creating an environment where people feel respected and valued for who they are without needing to alter themselves. While having varied representation is a good starting point, it doesn’t automatically guarantee a workplace where everyone feels they belong or can contribute freely.
  3. Managers should prompt employees to object or present other ideas during discussions. In fact, the below skills should become an essential part of manager training:
    • Running brainstorming sessions
    • Leading groups in healthy workplace debate
    • Avoiding an intimidating, know-it-all persona
    • Listening to and considering new, unanticipated ideas
    • Balancing conversations so that everyone has a voice
    • Encouraging people who are quiet or naturally more reserved to speak up
    • Escalating potential problems or issues that are brought to their attention

Lastly, leadership should periodically review current policies, procedures and strategies, and assess where improvements can be made. The prevailing rule should never be: “X works, so X is the only way.”

Summing it all up

People often have a powerful need to belong and feel accepted, while fearing mistakes and conflict. That’s why groupthink is a challenge for so many organizations – and, in most cases, we’re not even aware of our mental processes that nudge us toward conformity and agreement. In some cases, groupthink can point to deeper workplace issues, such as ineffective conflict management. To address groupthink and its negative consequences, companies should recognize common warning signs and implement proactive strategies:

  • Broaden representation in key decision-making roles
  • Foster a workplace where all employees feel valued and heard
  • Equip managers with skills to lead thoughtful discussions and encourage healthy debate
  • Develop a clear strategy for managing conflict
  • Regularly review and refine workplace practices and decision-making processes

Want to take your workplace strategy to the next level? Dive deeper into fostering innovation, collaboration and growth by exploring The ultimate people strategy playbook: Building a winning workforce.
